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Research Publications: Journal article (from 2010, full text articles are available here)
Revolutionizing family businesses with artificial intelligence: a perspective article
Understanding post-pandemic market segmentation through perceived risk, behavioural intention, and emotional wellbeing of consumers
Crisis Management and Small Businesses
An Egonet Analysis Exploring Social Support Structures of Construction Workers: A Pilot Study
How cultural values influence sustainable consumption behavior? An empirical investigation in a non‐Western context
Does membership of local Chambers of Commerce networks enhance rural SME performance?: An empirical analysis
The interplay between digital social capital and family-owned SME performance: a study of social media business networks
The Dynamism of Stakeholder Engagement: A Case Study of the Aviation Industry
Qualitative differences in the mindsets associated with dual nature of normative commitment
Business Owner-Managers’ Job Autonomy and Job Satisfaction: Up, Down or No Change?
Returnee Entrepreneurs: A Systematic Literature Review, Thematic Analysis, and Research Agenda
Entrepreneurship Education, Pedagogy and Delivery
Factorial validity, measurement and structure invariance of the Malay language decisional balance scale in exercise across gender
Entrepreneurship Education: A Lifelong Learning Approach
The perception of crowding, quality and well-being: a study of Vietnamese public health services
Well-being restoration in the workspace
Fostering Creative Organizations: Antecedents, Processes, and Consequences of Individual and Team Creativity
International experience, growth aspirations, and the internationalisation of new ventures.
Entrepreneurship education pedagogy: Teacher-student-centred paradox
Defining work stress in young people
Construction workers’ well-being: What leads to depression, anxiety, and stress?
IEngage: Using technology to enhance students’ engagement in a large classroom
Does institutional context matter in building innovation capability?
Do SMEs cluster around innovation activities? Discovering active, incremental and opportunistic innovators
How small business advisory program delivery methods (collective learning, tailored, and practice-based approaches) affect learning and innovation
Innovative housing adoption: Modular housing for the Australian growing family
Understanding the regional innovation capacity in China after economic reforms
Unpacking the impact of attachment to project teams on boundary-spanning behaviors
Non-linear and linear postulations of technology adoption determinants
Same but different? Mobile technology adoption in China
Psychometric validation of the Dysexecutive Questionnaire (DEX)
Moving from evaluation to trial: How do SMEs start adopting Cloud ERP?
Virtual community, purchasing behaviour, and emotional well-being
Unpacking the role of mindfulness on conscientiousness and spirituality
It’s not only what I think but what they think! The moderating effect of social norms
Greener workplace : understanding senior management's adoption decisions through the Theory of Planned Behaviour.
Sustainable innovation for Queensland’s housing design : a case study
Using the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 21 (DASS-21) across cultures
Increasing learners’ satisfaction/intention to adopt more e-learning
A learner perspective on barriers to e-learning
Factors influencing the adoption of information technology in a construction business
Understanding innovation adoption : effects of orientation, pressure and control on adoption
An Asian perspective of occupational stress coping model : a case study of Sri Lankan employees
Is there an inverted U-shape relationship between job demands and work engagement : the moderating role of social support
The role of life friendly policies on employees’ work-life balance
Why adopt now? Multiple case studies and survey studies comparing small, medium and large firms
Motivating blue-collar employees : a case study of the Chinese workforce
Gender influences on the work-related stress-coping process
Key performance indicators for innovation implementation : perception vs. actual usage
A model of organizational innovation implementation effectiveness in small to medium firms
Positive relationships among collaboration for innovation, past innovation abandonment and future product introduction in manufacturing SMEs
Confirmatory factor analysis of the Way of Coping Checklist-Revised (WCCL-R) in the Asian context
The Revised Transactional Model (RTM) of occupational stress and coping : an improved process approach
Sex appeal in advertising : what consumers think
Moderation or mediation? An examination of the role perceived managerial support has on job satisfaction and psychological strain
Entrepreneurship Education: A Lifelong Learning Approach
The Dynamism of Stakeholder Engagement: A Case Study of the Aviation Industry
Crisis Management and Small Businesses
Book chapters
Well-being restoration in the workspace. In Coles, Richard, Costa, Sandra, & Watson, Sharon (Eds.) Pathways to Well-being in Design: Examples from the Arts, Humanities and the Built Environment. Routledge, New York
Innovation in the Australian Spatial Information Industry. In Stettner, Uriel, Aharonson, Barak S., & Amburgey, Terry L. (Eds.) Exploration and Exploitation in Early Stage Ventures and SMEs. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bradford, United Kingdom, pp. 211-236
Psychological stress and employee engagement. In Michalos, A.C. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research.Springer, pp. 5161-5166.
What makes e-learning work? In Short, Tom & Harris, Roger (Eds.) Workforce Development : Strategies and Practices. Springer, Singapore, pp. 171-184.
Negotiation theory and application in the business environment. In Waterhouse, Jennifer M., Keast, Robyn L., & Brown, Kerry A. (Eds.) Negotiating the Business Environment : Theory, Practice for all Governance Styles. Tilde University Press, Prahran, pp. 34-54.
Engagement with information and communication technology and psychological well-being. In Perrewe, P.L. & Ganster, D.C. (Eds.) New Developments in Theoretical and Conceptual Approaches to Job Stress. Emerald Publishing, London, pp. 269-316.
Conference Papers
The Aerie: An innovative way for wellbeing restoration in an open-plan workplace. Co-Creating Pathways to Well-being, University, Birmingham, UK
Global start-ups profile : one size fits all? Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business : Local Contexts in Global Business, Academy of International Business, Vancouver, Canada
Make-or-break : work and family interface and wellbeing among small business owners. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference : Reshaping Management for Impact, Sydney, NSW.
Technology adoption as a multi-stage process. Australasian Conference on Information Systems , Auckland, New Zealand.
Capturing opportunities for business and innovation in knowledge intensive services. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management : Capitalism in Question,Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, Florida, United States.
Construal level and ingroup bias.Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management : Capitalism in Question, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida.
Emergent and deliberate entrepreneurial strategies in SMEs. Australia Centre for Entrepreneurship (ACE) Research Exchange Conference, Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship, Brisbane, Australia.
Small business prosperity and wellbeing : an alternative measure for success among small business owners. IAustralian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference: Managing from the Edge, Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
Greener workplace: An examination of Green HR initiatives adoption through the theory of planned behaviour lens. Academy of Management Annual Meeting: The Informal Economy, Boston, MA.
Strategic renewal and competitive advantage in opportunity-driven and conservative new ventures. Academy of Management Annual Meeting : The Informal Economy, Boston, Mass.
For the better or the worse? The impact of business idea changes on new venture performance and novelty. AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.
Government initiative and start-up firms’ eco-innovation : A case study through the ecological modernisation lens. Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference: The Future of Work and Organisations, Wellington, New Zealand.
Why adopt now? Multiple case studies and survey studies comparing small, medium and large firms. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings , Academy of Management, Montréal Convention Center, Montréal.
External collaboration for innovation can alleviate the effect between the past innovation abandonment and future innovation introduction among SMEs. Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference : Managing for Unknowable Futures, Adelaide, Australia.